#MORSE is an innovative safer roads initiative that is funded by West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office.
The aim is to reduce the harm caused on the roads of West Mercia by reducing the number of collisions, serious injuries and deaths across Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, and Worcestershire.

What is #MORSE?
#MORSE is a partnership between YSS, Hereford, Worcester and Shropshire Fire and Rescue Services, and West Mercia Police.
Watch our short video which provides a snapshot of what #MORSE is about.

Where is the service delivered?
- Worcestershire
- Herefordshire
- Shropshire
- Telford & Wrekin

What makes #MORSE different?
Many road safety projects look only at the person’s driving skills; these include journey goals, traffic skills, and vehicle skills. #MORSE also addresses these areas by using a Safer Driving Behaviour Change model.
What makes this service different is that it also looks at the person as a whole, taking into account their:
- Social environment; and
- Goals for life and living skills
This is a bite-size programme delivered in one-to-one sessions over several weeks. It can be arranged by video call, phone call or face to face when necessary. The programme looks at the areas identified above, but it is done interactively and is tailored to each person’s circumstances.
Acessing Support
Anyone can access the support. You can access this support by either:
- Self-Referral;
- Asking your Liaison and Diversion Worker while in custody, or after you have left custody;
- Asking a Police Officer if you are stopped at the roadside;
- By speaking to your Drug and Alcohol Worker or Social Prescriber; or
- If you are on probation, you can ask your Offender Manager.

The Impact of our #MORSE service
#MORSE has been a successful project over the years. In our last evaluation, the findings were very positive and clearly indicated, within the limitations of the method, that #MORSE is having a positive impact.
If you want to read the Evaluation Report, click on the link below.
Road Safety Awareness
Over the years we have developed a number of modules to raise awareness about the effects of various substances on the individual when driving.
The Cannabis, Cocaine and Alcohol modules will help you to understand how these drugs can affect your ability to drive. They explore the drug’s effects, how long these effects last and aspects of law relating to limits and penalties. The Speed module will help you to understand how making good speed choices can improve your safety and the safety of others.
You can find our eMORSE modules on the link below:
Ask us about this service
For further information, please contact using the contact form or if you’d like to speak to a link worker, you can email or call us using the relevant contact details below.
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